Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate Courses

LAIS Courses

Tentative List of LAIS Course Offerings for 2024-2025

LAIS 10. Introduction to the Latin American and Iberian World
Introduction to issues, debates, and approaches in the study of Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, and the Latino world, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics considered include history, culture, society and literature from various places and times.

LAIS 100. Introduction to Latin American and Iberian Studies 

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing. 

Enrollment Comments: Requirement for all majors and minors in the program.Designed to acquaint students with current research on the main areas of Latin American and Iberian Studies. LAIS 100S. Introduction to Latin American and Iberian Studies (in Spanish)(4) STAFFPrerequisite: Upper-division standingEnrollment Comments: Taught in Spanish. Same course as LAIS 100. Knowledge of Spanish is required. This course is a legal repeat of LAIS 100.Designed to acquaint students with current research on the main areas of Latin American and Iberian Studies. Taught in Spanish.

LAIS 100H. Introduction to Latin American and Iberian Studies – Honors Section 

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in LAIS 100; honors standing in LAIS or the College of Letters and Science. 

Eligible students are invited to enroll in the honors seminar which is generally taught by the course instructor.

LAIS 101. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the History and Societies of Latin America and Iberia 

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing. 

Issues central to the study of Latin America and Iberia across the social sciences and history. Topics include nationalism, revolution, politics and the state, economic development and international relations, labor, popularculture, race, gender, religion, migration, environment, imperialism, and colonialism.LAIS 101S. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the History and Societies of Latin America and Iberia (in Spanish)(4) STAFFPrerequisite: Upper-division standing.Enrollment Comments: Taught in Spanish. Same course as LAIS 101. Knowledge of Spanish is required. This course is a legal repeat of LAIS 101.Issues central to the study of Latin America and Iberia across the social sciences and history. Topics include nationalism, revolution, politics and the state, economic development and international relations, labor, popular culture, race, gender, religion, migration, environment, imperialism, and colonialism. Taught in Spanish.

LAIS 102. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Cultures, Languages, and Literatures ofLatin America and Iberia 

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing. 

Issues pertinent to the diverse cultures, languages, and literatures of Latin America and Iberia. Disciplines and approaches may include: pre-Columbian studies, Spanish and Spanish American literatures, Portugese and Brazilian literatures, translation studies, cultural, gender, and queer studies, romance language and linguistics. LAIS 102S. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Cultures, Languages, and Literatures ofLatin America and Iberia (in Spanish)(4) STAFFPrerequisite: Upper-division Standing.Enrollment Comments: Taught in Spanish. Same course as LAIS 102. Knowledge of Spanish is required. This course is a legal repeat of LAIS 102.Issues pertinent to the diverse cultures, languages, and literatures of Latin America and Iberia. Disciplines and approaches may include: pre-Columbian studies, Spanish and Spanish American literatures, Portuguese and Brazilian literatures, translation studies, cultural, gender, and queer studies, romance language and linguistics. Taught in Spanish. LAIS 103. Media Culture, and Society in Latin America and Iberia(4) STAFFPrerequisite: Upper-division Standing.Introduces students to Latin American theories, practices and representations about the media, analyzing from a cross-cultural and comparative perspective various cultural productions of the Spanish-speaking world that cross the domains of word, image, and sound. LAIS 194AA. Special Topics in Latin American and Iberian Studies 

LAIS 195A. Senior Honors Thesis 

Prerequisite: Admission to honors program; consent of department. 

Enrollment Comments: Students must have a 3.6 grade-point average for courses in Latin American & Iberian Studies. A two-quarter in-progress sequence course with grades for both quarters issued upon completion of LAIS 195B.Individual study with the advisor for the purpose of writing a major interdisciplinary research paper on a topic of sufficient depth and sophistication.

LAIS 195B. Senior Honors Thesis 

Prerequisite: Admission to honors program; consent of department. 

Enrollment Comments: Students must have a 3.6 grade-point average for courses in Latin American & Iberian Studies. A two-quarter in-progress sequence course with grades for both quarters issued upon completion of LAIS 195B.Individual study with the advisor for the purpose of writing a major interdisciplinary research paper on a topic of sufficient depth and sophistication.

LAIS 195G. Senior Honors Thesis 

Prerequisite: Admission to honors program; consent of department. 

Enrollment Comments: Students must have a 3.6 grade-point average for courses in Latin American & Iberian Studies.Students learn the mechanics of formulating a research problem and choose a faculty advisor, and submit a project proposal.

LAIS 199. Independent Studies 

(1-5) STAFF
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; completion of 2 upper-division courses in LAIS. 

Enrollment Comments: Students must have a minimum 3.0 grade-point average for the preceding three quarters and are limited to five units per quarter and 30 units total in all 98/99/198/199/199AA-ZZ courses combined. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 8 units.The description of any one 199 must not be identical to any existing course description.

Courses in other departments

LAIS students also take courses in other programs and departments, including Art History, Economics, Film Studies, Music, Religious Studies, Spanish and Portuguese language and literature, Linguistics, History, Anthropology, Black Studies, Chicana and Chicano Studies, Environmental Studies, Political Science, Sociology, and Feminist Studies.

A list of courses from other departments approved as part of the LAIS major may be consulted here.